Biggest Baby Fair in Southeast Asia starts 18-20 Apr @ Expo (Opens 11am) Browse Hottest Starbuy and Wishlist Now!


Apple Monkey
On-The-Go Goodness

Apple Monkey is developed to provide a good snack which is non-allergen, organic ingredients, easy to grab, and provide enough nutrients for your children. Apple Monkey is made from ingredients that are grown from Thailand's fertile soils, which are natural and organic.

Apple Monkey
On-The-Go Goodness

Apple Monkey is developed to provide a good snack which is non-allergen, organic ingredients, easy to grab, and provide enough nutrients for your children. Apple Monkey is made from ingredients that are grown from Thailand's fertile soils, which are natural and organic.


Our Products

What are Baby Crackers?

Baby crackers are simply small nutritious biscuits for babies from 6 months of age; they could be your baby’s healthy snack and usually is one-the-go. A baby cracker is also a great finger food for teething babies because they are hard to chew and perfect to relieve teeth pain. When sucked on, they melt in your baby's mouth and provide nourishing protein, fiber, and vitamins.

What Kind of Crackers Should I Give My Baby?

If your baby is ready to handle finger food, try to offer him/her whole wheat or rice crackers that are high in nutrients. Apple Monkey Crackers come in exciting flavours that are organic, and also come in an oval shape which makes it easier for little hands to grab. When your baby start to chew things around himself by using his gum. You may observe that he can grab rice cracker and use his strong gum to bite gradually.

How Old Should My Baby Have Crackers?

For crackers, it requires your baby to start having the ability to chew on his own, which means when your baby has some motor skills – usually around 8 to 10 months old. You can try toasts cut into square/cube or strips before moving on to puffs, crackers and wafers.

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