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  • Child's Current Milk Brand?

  • By proceeding, you accept and agree to all future contact from Orient EuroPharma Pte Ltd. (OEP). Please allow 4 weeks for delivery. Only completed entries will be processed, inaccurate or incomplete entries will be void. Limited to one set of samples per household, for first time users, while stocks last. Samples will only be sent to Singapore addresses. Fulfilment of all sample requests are at the discretion of OEP. Applicable to Karihome Growing-Up Milk. Strictly no sampling of Karihome Infant Formula (for babies 0-12 months old). All information provided is used solely by the program and will not be rented, sold or exchanged with outside parties. OEP reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at its discretion without any prior notice. Additional terms and conditions may apply.

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