Little Freddie Organic Food
Perfect For Baby’s First Taste
Give the best quality to your little ones with Little Freddie’s diverse range of baby organic food. In the process of gradually transitioning from breastfeeding to solid foods, Little Freddie understands the importance of ingredients. From yogurt to porridge, puree to biscuit, Little Freddie ensures 100% natural, organic and safe ingredients for your developing baby’s digestive system.
Little Freddie Organic Food
Perfect For Baby’s First Taste
Give the best quality to your little ones with Little Freddie’s diverse range of baby organic food. In the process of gradually transitioning from breastfeeding to solid foods, Little Freddie understands the importance of ingredients. From yogurt to porridge, puree to biscuit, Little Freddie ensures 100% natural, organic and safe ingredients for your developing baby’s digestive system.
When will my baby Transition from Breastfeeding to Solid Foods?
According to American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the ideal time for your baby to start on solid foods is about 6 months old. By the time your little one reaches 7 or 8 months old, you could try to introduce him/her different groups of foods. Try not to start too early as it will increase the chance of choking, obesity and bellyaches. On the other hand, introducing solid foods too late could slow the growth of your baby.
What Food Should I Start to Feed my baby First?
The most suitable baby’s first foods are banana, avocado, sweet potato, apples, pears. Little Freddie offers these ingredients among their range in various types of food. Moreover, they are organic, gluten-free and give full layers of flavours and textures - perfect to excite your baby to taste new foods. Start with soft textures first, like puree or mashed food. As chewing and motor skills are being developed, mothers could begin to introduce harder foods like fruit or biscuits. Little Freddie covers the full age range of foods that your baby needs.
Why Organic Food?
Little Freddie believes in only the best for your baby. While introducing foods to your little ones, mothers should also consider the quality and the source of ingredients. Unlike non-organic food, organic means fewer pesticides, less multi-drug resistant bacteria, chemical fertilisers or growth hormones. These harmful substances can limit your baby’s sensitive health and developing digestive system.
Should I Be Concerned Of High Sugar Content In Baby Food?
Little Freddie replaces commercial sugar or artificial sweeteners with a natural substitute of juice concentrate. Health experts advise that high quantities of sugary foods for your baby could lead to health issues and develop a sweeth tooth at an early age.
About Little Freddie
Little Freddie is a baby brand founded in 2014 by Pier Bucks who has been in commitment to find the better quality for baby food that should be from where it’s grown and diverse in options. Their wide range of products from Organic Baby Food, Cereals, Puree, Snacks, baby food, organic, pouches, and baby pouches are sure to offer all the flavors and textures for your baby’s first food just like what they aimed to “We make food you'd be proud to eat. We just happen to feed it to babies”.